Institut für ReligionswissenschaftMd Tawhid Hasan, M.A., M.S.S.

Doktorand am Institut für Religionswissenschaft

Platzhalter Person

Academic Career

  • Since 2022 PhD candidate, Working Title: AI, the Dawn of a New Religion: Why Could Artificial Intelligence Transform Aspects of Traditional Religions and Give Rise to a New Religion of AI?
  • 2021 M.A. Religion and Culture, Humboldt University of Berlin Thesis: African Independent Churches’ Attitude Towards Islam: Interreligious Dialogue in South Africa and Nigeria
  • 2013 M.S.S. International Relations, University of Dhaka
  • 2009 B.S.S. International Relations, University of Dhaka

Work Experience

  • Since 2019 Administrative Assistant, Dahlem Research School, Free University of Berlin
  • 2018-2021 Student Assistant, ESCP European Business School
  • 2013-2017 Project Coordinator “Schulen: Partner der Zukunft (PASCH)” initiative, Goethe-Institut Bangladesh

Main Area of Interest

  • Artificial Intelligence and Religion
  • Religion and Science
  • Religion, Technology, and Social Transformation
  • Religion and Power


  • 2005-2009 Dhaka University Scholarship
  • Jan. 2019 Empirical Research Seminar, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria
  • Jan. 2020 Empirical Research Seminar, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria


  • Murawski, M., Hasan, M. T., & Bick, M. (2019). Five Years of Kahoot! in the Classrooms – What does Research Tell Us? In EDEN Conference Proceedings (Issue 1, pp. 509–517). European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN).


  • “The Problems with Tree Planting and Value Dissemination” conference presentation at university of Pretoria Jan. 2020 (joint)
  • “Can Religion Help in Fighting Against the Most Pressing Environmental Problems in South Africa?” conference presentation at Humboldt university of Berlin July. 2019 (joint)
  • “Religion and Climate Change” conference presentation at university of Pretoria Jan. 2019 (joint)