Institut für Religionswissenschaft Christian Koch, M.A.

Abgeschlossene Promotion am Institut für Religionswissenschaft

Christian Koch, M.A.



Christian Koch, M.A.

MEDIATING BUDDHISM Buddha Brands in London — From Material Religion to Quantum Religion, or: Reset Realism! Why Religious Studies Scholars Should Read Bruno Latour

Academic Career

  • Since 2016: dissertation thesis in religious studies, Heidelberg University.
    • Working Title: "MEDIATING BUDDHISM
      Buddha Brands in London — From Material Religion to Quantum Religion, or: Reset Realism! Why Religious Studies Scholars Should Read Bruno Latour".
  • 2016 M.A. (Master of Arts) Transcultural Studies (Focus: Global Art History), Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (HTCS), Heidelberg University.
    • Title: "From new-old Berlin City Castle to Humboldt Forum".
  • 2013 B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) Religious Studies (Major), Middle Eastern Archaeology (Minor), Heidelberg University.
    • Title: "Dealing with Bamiyan. Religious Studies and the 'Other'".

Research Focus

  • The relationship between religion and secularity
  • Transdisciplinary Methods
  • Media and mediations
  • Brands
  • Buddhism in Europe
  • Translocality and Transtemporality
  • Material Religion and Sensual Religion


  • April - May 2018 German Historical Institute London


  • Richard M. Jaffe. 2019. Seeking Sakyamuni. South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. In: Reading Religion(07/2020).


Summer Term 2020

  • Seminar "Die Glücksdoktrin des 21. Jahrhunderts. Neoliberalismus, Spiritualität und Branding" with Silke Hasper, Benedikt Kastner and Isis Mrugalla, Department for the Study of Religion, Heidelberg University.

Winter Term 2018/19

  • Seminar "Sozialgeschichte des Buddhismus" following the lecture by Prof. Dr. Inken Prohl, Department for the Study of Religion, Heidelberg University.

Winter Term 2014/15

  • Tutorial "Introduction of Transcultural Studies", Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies (HCTS), Heidelberg University.

Other Activities


  • Logic and rhetoric workshop in preparation of the disputation, directed by Dr. Malte Engel, Institut für Argumentationskompetenz Heidelberg and Heidelberg University.

02/2015 - 12/2016

  • Research Assistant, Project D18 Picturesque Modernities, directed by PD Dr. Michael Falser, Cluster of Excellence, Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University.