The reception of Asian martial arts, or rather martial arts inspired by Asian practices, as part of holistic self-optimisation practices was globally established in the second half of the twentieth century amongst the urban middle class.

In the process martial arts were (and are) located in different contexts: from education, wellbeing and the disciplining of children to spiritual self-discovery using Buddhist and esoteric motifs. The standardisation of martial arts training and disciplining methods, which are considered to be pedagogically effective, link these motifs, practices and ideas with increased performance, apparently caused by the spirituality of the practice. For this reason, Asian martial arts are understood as religious/ spiritual practices of post-secularisation in industrialised societies.

Black belt


  • Martial Arts between Sport and Spirituality - Transformation and Dynamics

Degree Theses



  • In collaboration with Esther Berg: "Become your Best". On the Construction of Martial Arts as Means of Self-Actualization and Self-Improvement, in: JOMEC Journal, Martial Arts Studies, June 2014.
  • In collaboration with Hartmut Zinser: Zen, Reiki und Karate. Japanische Religiosität in Europa, Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit Verlag 2002.